Hey there! I’m Nicky, the real-deal mum behind The Mum Shift. No picture-perfect Instagram life here – just a 45-year-old working mum in the trenches with two amazing (and sometimes challenging) teenage daughters, my rock of a husband Duncan, and our adorable little wiener dog.

Let’s get real for a sec. Motherhood? It’s a wild ride. 17 years in, and I’m still figuring it out. But here’s the thing I’ve learned: mindful parenting is a total game-changer.

Now, I’m not talking about being some zen master mum who never loses her cool. (Trust me, I’ve had my share of meltdowns!) It’s about changing your mindset, even when it’s really hard, and showing up – really showing up – for your kids. It’s choosing compassion over frustration (easier said than done, I know).

And here’s the kicker: it all starts with YOU. 🌟

I get it. The endless to-do lists, the guilt, the feeling like you’re always falling short. But listen up: you can’t pour from an empty cup. Taking care of yourself isn’t selfish – it’s absolutely necessary.

When I started incorporating little bits of mindfulness into my day – deep breaths, gratitude, a dash of self-compassion – everything shifted. I became calmer, more patient. Even on those days when the teens are pushing every button I’ve got!

This mindful approach has been crucial as we navigate the rocky terrain of teen mental health struggles. It’s heartbreaking, and I definitely don’t have all the answers. But mindfulness has taught me to create a safe space, to really listen, and to model healthy ways of coping. It’s not about fixing everything – it’s about being there, fully present, through all the ups and downs.

Now, I’m not claiming to be some parenting guru. I’m right here in the trenches with you, learning as I go. But I’m passionate about sharing the strategies that have made a real difference for my family:

  • Active listening (even when you’re dying to jump in with advice)
  • Emotional regulation (count to 10, anyone?)
  • Quality time rituals (put down those phones!)
  • Embracing the perfectly imperfect moments

Here’s why I created The Mum Shift: every mum deserves a judgment-free zone to be real about her struggles and find practical support. I want to empower you to ditch the guilt, prioritize self-care, and parent more mindfully. Because when we take care of ourselves, we can show up as the present, patient mums our kids need (most of the time, anyway!).

So, are you ready to make a shift? Buckle up for some vulnerable stories, practical tips, and a whole lot of “we’re in this together” vibes.

And if you only take one thing away from this? You’re doing an amazing job, even when it feels like you’re failing miserably. Embrace the journey, the messiness, all of it. You’re not alone in this.

Let’s do this mindful parenting thing together, one imperfect day at a time. Who’s with me? 💪